CEPA reform: outstanding issues... |
The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 is the cornerstone of Canada's environmental legislation. CEPA provides the legislative framework necessary to protect human health and the environment from pollution and toxic substances. As you know, Breast cancer action Quebec, along with the members of the Coalition for Action on Toxics, has been working for several years now to reform this law. On June 14, 2023, Bill S-5 received Royal Assent, strengthening CEPA by adding the right to a healthy environment and updating the regulation of toxic substances.
While Bill S-5 marked an important milestone in CEPA reform, much remains to be done.
To know more about the subject:
Several environmental and health advocacy groups met on February 2 (at the invitation of Coalition for Actions on Toxics) to discuss the implementation framework of the Right to a Healthy Environment in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Our director Maria Anney took part in an exchange on environmental justice as part of this event. She emphasized the importance of an assertive approach to dismantling systemic racism through a lens based on issues of justice and equity. Participants also focused on how the government intends to measure the impacts of the Right to a Healthy Environment on the rights of indigenous peoples, and how they can ensure the participation of equity-seeking groups throughout the process of implementing such a right.
We'll be continuing our analysis and discussions within the Coalition for Actions on toxics of which we're a member, and we'll get back to you with details of upcoming mobilizations!

Just a very small sample of our fight for stronger toxic regulations

Calling our members and allies!
BCAQ is looking for people to contribute to our blog.
We invite you to send us opinion texts, blog articles and artistic creations related to environmental health, breast cancer or any other subject that you deem relevant to our mission.
The selected works will be published on our blog, as well as on our various networks! Write to info@acsqc.ca for more information or to submit your contributions
Plastics Dossier
Ending plastic pollution: an opportunity for health
This Indonesian activist wants Canada to stop sending plastic waste abroad
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Indigenous delegates say they are left out of key talks at plastics conference
PFAS "Forever Chemicals" Dossier
Now's our chance: Demand comprehensive action on "Forever Chemicals"
U.S. limits ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water. What about Canada?
Environmental Justice Dossier
Environmental rights are key to good health
Polluted Promises: Confronting Environmental Inequities in Canada
Breast cancer screening and treatment Dossier
Mammograms are routine. For people who use wheelchairs, they're anything but
Canadian doctors are using 'outdated' guidelines to screen for cancer, experts warn
Chemotherapy May Accelerate Physical Decline in Older Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer

BCAQ relies on membership dues and private donations to stay in operation. A stronger membership is a stronger voice. It also helps to substantiate our financial applications for government grants and private foundations. Please consider joining us today!
With your support BCAQ is working hard to get vital information about environmental and chemical links to breast cancer to the public, and we now know that our message is being heard.

There are many ways you can be involved: volunteer, write a letter to the editor, book an educational workshop for your school, community group or work place. Engage with us, follow us on social media, share your opinions and ideas – take BCAQ’s message to your community! Be a voice for a change!