Fiona Hanley

A group of nurses interested in environmental health has recently formed the Quebec Nurses for Ecoresponsibility (QNE) – or Regroupement des infirmières et infirmiers éco-responsables du Québec (RIIEQ). The group was founded in December 2009 by registered nurses and nursing students who want to see environmental health recognized as an important part of nursing practice. Knowing that the physical and natural environment and the health of the population are intricately linked, nurses recognize that they have a responsibility to advocate for healthy environments.

Members of QNE believe that there is a critical role for nurses in identifying potential hazards in the environment and in promoting practices to reduce risks to health and well-being associated with these hazards. Nurses are trusted to provide accurate, evidence-based information to the public, and QNE believes that nurses must take a leadership role in advocating for promotion of public health in protection of the environment.

QNE is looking for more nurses who are interested in joining to help advance nursing practice in environmental health. The group currently meets once a month to plan strategies, to become informed about the many issues, to motivate each other and to push for recognition of the importance of environmental health. Nurses or nursing students who have energy, enthusiasm, and a passion for the cause can contact: M. François Aubé at, or Fiona Hanley at